Jesus: After dark, one evening, a theologian came to me.

NICODEMUS: Hi, Doc! You are really a great teacher straight from God. Your miracles show that God is with you!

Jesus: Thanks. But I need to tell you that if you really want to know me more, you got born again from above.

NICODEMUS: I beg you a pardon? Born again? I am born and all grown up. I can’t return to my mother’s womb to be born again?

Jesus: What I mean is that you got to be born by the Spirit! I mean think about it. Only the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life, right? So, that is why I said: You got to be born from above.

The Spirit blows wherever it wants. You may sense the Spirit but can’t tell where the Spirit comes from or where the Spirit is going. If you born from above, then you will know what is like to follow the Spirit.

NICODEMUS: …So, you mean… eh…. How can this be?

Jesus: You can grasp these things. Listen. I assure you that we are doing just that.
We speak what we experience. Accept our evidence and our lives. It is really that simple.
I know this thing because I came right out of the spiritual realm.

You got to understand this first before you receive a whole lot more. 

You will learn of real heavenly knowledge.

I want you to be in touch with this spiritual wisdom. It is because you are going to believe when I am put on a pole, in order that all who trust me might have spiritual life.

God really loves the world. So God gave me, his one and only Son, that whoever trusts me might have spiritual life. God did send his Son into the world that through him the world might be rescued. Only when you live by the Spirit, you can live up to the name of the only Son of God.

Figuratively speaking, the Light came into the world. (A pause) Those whose ways are true are delighted and run to the Light. In this way, they come out into the Light, so that it might be clear that his or her ways are really rooted in God.

JESUS (V.O.): Next day, my students and I were doing some baptizing. There was a lot of water. People were coming to me and getting dipped.

Then a certain MAN came to John and told him.

A CERTAIN MAN: Pastor, you remember that fellow who was with you, and who you praised all the time? Guess what! Now he’s dipping and everybody is joining up with him!

JOHN: …We receive what is given from above. I told you, “I am not the Christ, but I was sent ahead of him.”

It is like this. Let’s say it is a wedding. Who is the bridegroom here? He is the one with the bride. I am his friend stand with the groom and share his joy. That’s why I’m so happy. His movement must grow, because he comes from above. He is everything. This spiritual man is above all.

I have told you what I have seen and heard. Take my words seriously… And become an evidence yourself that God is true.

JESUS (V.O.): John was sent from God to bear God’s message. God fully equips him with the Spirit…

The Father loves me and has put me in charge of everything. When you live in me, you have spiritual life. When you obey me, you catch an abundant life. God’s pleasure will be with you.

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